Thursday, May 10, 2007

Is He Just a Puppet?

A few days ago, I sent the below e-mail to Jonnie "Hannover" Hargis, pursuant to a post he'd made at his personal Führerbunker, the CODOH Revisionist Forum.

Read more!
Today, Jonnie, you wrote about the "Holocaust industry":

"It simply another example of them starting with a false assumption and then trying to force fit everything into it."

You are truly the king of irony, Mr. Hargis. Do you not realize that this is *exactly* what you, as a filthy Holocaust denier, do?

You begin with the belief (insane as it is) that there was no Holocaust. Then you just deny any evidence to the contrary. Document that's incriminating? A forgery, of course! Eyewitnesses? All liars! Your old favorite, "forensic evidence"? Just refuse to define what you mean!

Man, you are *such* a one-trick pony.

Now go make a nasty post about me, you little girl, you.

I sent this to his UCLA e-mail address rather than one of his pseudonymous accounts.

Predictably, his response was exactly as I predicted.

First we have a page from the Google cache (in two parts below -- click for full-size versions). The date is May 8, 2007.


Today, I checked the Führerbunker, and there was a new "sticky" with my name on it. Looky:

Has Jonnie Hargis ceased to have a mind of his own? Is he merely a puppet for my amusement?

When I send him a link to this post, we'll find out...
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