Thursday, January 14, 2010

What seems plausible to them reflects only their ignorance

The Cesspit Clown Carto's Cutlass' Supreme (CCCCS) produced this gem:
Yankel Wiernik's book published in The Forward building

by Carto's Cutlass Supreme » Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:07 am

The cover of A Year In Treblinka by Yankel Wiernik states:

175 East Broadway

New York, 2, N. Y.
Compare addresses:

See the Wikipedia entry for Forward Magazine. Same address:
At the peak of its popularity, the Forward erected a ten-story office building at 175 East Broadway on the Lower East Side, designed by architect George Boehm and completed in 1912.

The mouthful of "AMERICAN REPRESENTATION of the GENERAL JEWISH WORKERS" UNION of POLAND" doesn't seem that plausible as a real group. I think this points to the people behind The Forward being the publishers of A Year in Treblinka. And it wouldn't have looked so good had the inside cover said "Published by Forward Magazine."

Then again, had there been such a "American Representation" group, it wouldn't be surprising that they would rent space in the 10 story Forward building.
It seems that even the simplest googling no longer works for these chimps. They don't even try anymore - they just go with what seems plausible or implausible to them, facts be damned. Except given their paranoid mindset and utter ignorance nothing good ever comes out of it.

PS: there is some evidence that CCCCS is the Ugly Voice aka denierbud aka Budly, which makes it all the more funny.

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