Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 2)

More smear & bitching on CODOH (Part 1)

In his post of Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:34 am, occasional CODOH poster "Karl Radl" produced the following smear:

I apologise for going slightly off-topic, but I wished to add a short personal testimony about Roberto's 'habits'. When my wife went to Poland with a film crew nearly a year ago and Roberto claimed he was going to meet her at one of the Reinhardt camps [I forget which off hand] only for her (and the rest) to get stopped, detained and deported by the Polish police who knew she was coming, knew where she was going, why she was going there and more precisely her name [the former three things are ones that Roberto was one of the only person outside of our family and those we employed to knew about it (whom I have good reason to trust)]. Roberto also made an attempt to claim she 'threatened him' (specifically when he claimed that she was 'going to get him beaten up by skinheads') and our attorney advised her after reading his message that he was angling for a dubious comment or two for him to sue her (as myself and my wife are not poor).

Roberto then claimed she didn't show and that he had won the bet/challenge. You can't prove it was him tipping off the Polish authorities, but it is one of those bits of circumstantial evidence that are suggestive as opposed to conclusive.

These claims are obviously related to my trip to Sobibor from 14 to 16 October 2008. On 15 October I was supposed to meet there with my old friend Greg Gerdes and with a lady who posted on the VNN thread Archaeological Investigations of Treblinka as "Eireann Goddess" (hereinafter "EG"). This lady is obviously the "wife" that "Karl Radl" is referring to.

Neither Gerdes nor EG showed up for our appointment, as I pointed out in my VNN post 1525, written on 16.10.2008 from Wlodawa, Poland.

Greg Gerdes, despite the threatening invective he had sent my way and his bigmouthed challenge to German authorities (see his post 1514: "I publicly challenge the P.O.S. Stasi bastards in Gewmany to put out an arrest warrant for me - ala Toben. Got that you shabbas goy MF's? I DARE YOU.") eventually got cold feet and decided to stay at home. In his post 1521 he claimed that fear of being apprehended had prompted his decision:

Boy, someone would have to be really really stupid to actually think that I would go to Europe after what happened to Toben.

But wait, slamin sam is really really stupid.

Uhmmmm, never mind.

EG, whose last message prior to my trip to Sobibor was her post 1499 (to which I responded in my post 1506), didn't give any reasons for not having shown up. In fact I never heard of her again.

Neither in EG's aforementioned post nor in any previous post that I remember did EG reveal her identity, so it's a mystery to me how I am supposed to have known her name, as "Karl Radl" claims.

As to the "beaten up by skinheads" – thing, KR must be referring to my VNN post 1492, where in response to EG's post 1482 I wrote the following (emphasis added):

Trying to scare me off, baby?

You should have come up with a better story, then. Like some of your NS thugs waiting for me on site to cut my throat. But then, even that wouldn’t impress me.

Of course I think you’re talking a lot of shit here. I don’t think you have contacts with the Polish government, let alone contacts who can assure you that you can’t be bothered for Holocaust denial. And while it seems plausible that you run around with a bunch of NS bodyguards, it’s rather hard to believe that you have an attorney in Poland or accompanying you on your trips into Poland. That is, unless you’re the spoilt rich kid of some Jew-hating moneybags like Willis Carto or the late Robert H. Countess. I also doubt that you are willing to forfeit your treasured anonymity, which you will have to do when meeting me.

But OK, let’s assume it’s not all just bullshit and you will actually be there. In that case I also assume that you will show your face on that video and duly identify yourself, for I won’t consent to being filmed by or together with an anonymous coward. I further assume that you will hand me a copy of that video, and that any public use you make thereof will require my prior consent, just like any public use I make of the video will require your prior consent. I also assume that you will hand me a copy of that video, and that any public use you make thereof will require my prior consent, just like any public use I make of the video will require your prior consent.

When we have properly introduced each other, we can go visit the site and photograph or film any bone fragments or other human remains we may come across. I don’t think the Polish government will object to photographing or filming such objects, provided that we leave them where they are, which of course is my intention. But if they have a problem with that, I’m sure museum director Marek Bern will tell us so and we’ll have to cancel that part of the program.

Needless to say, I don’t exclude the possibility that instead of EG & friends I will meet only a bunch of Polish skinheads or other scum with intentions against my life or personal integrity. It’s nothing that I would put beyond the bloodthirsty little thing. In case that happens, I’ll leave word with people I trust about who is to be held responsible for anything that might happen to me. It would be you as instigator, with Gerdes and PS as possible accomplices.

That said, I look forward to meeting you on 15.10.2008, 10 hours local time, at this place:

[photo of the Sobibor memorial entrance]

As becomes apparent from the above-quoted post, and as can be confirmed by the persons I left word with before departing, I did not know EG's identity at the time. I still don't. So there's no way I could have reported her to any Polish authorities, even if I had known what authorities to turn to and what to report to them, and if I had the inclination to hide from an appointment behind authorities (which, unlike Greg Gerdes, I don't have). As to EG’s supposed travel itinerary, all I knew was that "We will be near Sobibor on the 15th.", as EG had claimed in her post 1482.

All this suggests that KR is either lying or was lied to by his wife, if indeed EG is his wife.

A further indication of mendacity is EG's utter silence when I reported that she had not shown up and Slanim2 followed up with the following remark, in his post 1528:

Roberto kept his word and arrived on time, you showed yourself to be a liar, once again, I wonder what EG's excuse will be.

That would have been the time for EG to claim that she had been held up and turned back by Polish authorities, if indeed such had happened.

But the lady’s silence was deafening.

So the story that her supposed husband all of a sudden comes up with now, about 18 months after my trip to Sobibor, carries a distinct smell of fish, to say the least.

KR’s smear is followed up by some more of jnovitz/lgr’s bitching, which I don't think I need to comment anymore after having shown our readers that the fellow is a inveterate liar. If the resentful old fart should feel like "poking fun" about me at some other place, I'll find out soon enough and go there to pull his bunny ears a little more. As to the petition he is mouthing off about, it is this one:

A Petition to the German Legislator

The more of our readers sign it, the bigger the chance that it will one day go where it is meant to go.

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